VisMederi reaffirms its position as a “Growth Leader”

Nov 23, 2023Press Review0 comments

The Siena-based business ranks second in the “Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology” category and 84th overall.

VisMederi, an internationally recognized firm in the field of scientific research and vaccine assessment, is proud to announce that it has been featured in the special “Growth Leader 2024” list for the second year in a row, a distinguished excellence awarded by “Sole 24 Ore”  and “Statista.” This award honors the 500 Italian companies having the best sales growth during the three-year period 2019-2022. VisMederi was placed second in the “Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology” category and 84th out of overall.

VisMederi has distinguished itself through its consistent dedication to innovation and research, aspects that have been crucial to its development and success, as well as the attainment of this remarkable outcome.
“This award represents a significant tribute to our city and to the dedication of every member of our group,” stated Prof. Emanuele Montomoli, founder, and Chief Scientific officer of VisMederi. Everyone in the VisMederi has shown outstanding dedication during the past five years, which is being acknowledged and honored today.

This award not only makes us satisfied, but it also confirms the stability of our development direction. 2024 will be a year of enormous energy, with major investment in new facilities and advancements in technology, as well as the inauguration of our new headquarters, which will include leading-edge labs.” VisMederi, with a history of splendor and innovation, is a leader in scientific research and vaccine assessment. The “Growth Leader” award acknowledges its dedication to quality and innovation.
