VisMederi among the ‘Ambassadors of Europe’ companies awarded yesterday at Smau Florence

Jul 9, 2014News&events0 comments

VisMederi was among the Tuscan companies yesterday which won the Ambassadors of Europe Award, created by the Regional government to award Tuscan companies that have contributed to make a name for itself due to its own efforts in spreading positive ideas about Tuscany and Europe, and thanks to the regional funding as well. The Award was bestowed during the first edition of Tuscany Technology and Smau in Florence, two days spent on demonstrating the innovative face of Tuscany through the innovations of start-ups, research centers and nationwide companies. The company founder, Chiara Gentile, together with Simona Piccirella and Emanuele Montomoli received the award on behalf of VisMederi and introduced the company.

The growth of business, markets, experience and human capital that we have reported in a relatively brief time- commented Chiara Gentile- has found important support from Regional and European institutions. We have obtained from the Tuscan Government three financial contributions to promote employment and to find steady jobs for young researchers, in addition to being indirectly winners of research grants that offer University graduates and post-docs the possibility to conduct their own research project in our company, from which they would get experience in the field. If our staff has grown year after year, with an increase of 80 percent, of which 70 percent are women, from 2009 until the present ,we certainly owe it to the dedication and passion that we put into our work every day, but also to concrete policies that support employment, research and innovation, as in the case of the PAMUF project, that give medium-small companies like our own that extra opportunity to make it.

