VisMederi at the international conference IVW 2015 “Influenza vaccines for the world”

Oct 5, 2015News&events0 comments

Simona Piccirella and Emanuele Montomoli, respectively Scientific director and Chief operating officer of VisMederi, will speak at the international conference that will be held in Albufeira , Portugal, from 6 to 9 October.

Influenza Vaccines for the World – IVW 2015 is the fifth international conference and exhibition in this important series of influenza vaccine meetings. The IVW conference series focuses on influenza vaccination issues and is designed to complement the other two major influenza meetings in the conference calendar: ESWI and the Options for Control of Influenza.

The IVW series is an international forum for world renowned experts in the field of influenza vaccines and related issues (adjuvants/delivery/vaccination strategies) to report on the latest data and trends associated with current and new influenza vaccines/technologies and their availability/delivery/implementation worldwide.

Wednesday, October 7 Simona Piccirella and Emanuele Montomoli – who is part of the Scientific Advisory Panel too – will speaks about “Immunological analysis for influenza vaccines licensing, corresponding requirements from regulatory agencies and future perspectives”.
