VisMederi is financially healthy – 2014 turnover reaches 1.6 million Euro

May 6, 2015News&events0 comments

VisMederi has obtained positive results in 2014, proving to be internationally competitive in the offer of qualified services in the field of Life Sciences. The Company, founded in Siena in 2009 by Chiara Gentile, Emanuele Montomoli and Simona Piccirella, closed the financial year with more than 1.6 million euro and a ROE (Return on Equity) of 23.15%. These are the figures supplied by Simone Paletti, new under-30 member of the Board. In 2014, VisMederi has pursued its consolidation plan in the vaccines field, improving the range of services offered and the client portfolio all over the world, starting new projects in the diagnostics field and in microbiological food analysis and laying the foundations for a profitable diversification of activities.
