VisMederi: the new corporate structure presented

Sep 7, 2016News&events0 comments

VisMederi Srl, the Tuscan Company operating in the field of Life Sciences and Public Health, has announced its new corporate structure today. The agreement on reorganization completed in recent days involved the sale to Prof. Emanuele Montomoli of the 66.66% shares previously held by the two founding members. Prof. Montomoli, former Company partner for 33.33%, has exercised his pre-emption rights thus becoming 100% owner of the Company’s shares. Within the corporate reorganization, the new CEO of VisMederi has also been appointed in the person of Duccio Meiattini, coming from the consulting world for company organization and control.

Professor Montomoli, who will be Non-Executive Director for VisMederi and will maintain his role of Scientific Manager in the Company, made the choice not to follow the other members in the sale of the Company but to take over the total property. This decision has arisen from Prof. Montomoli’s desire to continue investing in a dynamic and innovative entrepreneurial reality, enhancing the professionalism and expertise of its 29 employees. The staff is young, made of graduates trained mainly at the University of Siena, with excellent curricula and research doctorates in Italy and abroad. The year 2016 thus confirms itself as a year of change to VisMederi, marked also by the recent move into the new facilities of the Medicine Research Centre of Fondazione Toscana Life Sciences, which together with the University of Siena are two important partners for the sector in which VisMederi operates at an international level.

“To VisMederi – underlines Emanuele Montomoli – this has been an economically and strategically crucial step. The acquisition of all the Company shares was a choice of foresight and responsibility. I am proud to have done it, to ensure full business continuity and to protect all jobs. The operation of leveraged buyout was made possible thanks to the intervention of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, which has always been supportive and attentive to the development of our Company by offering its expertise on the transaction. VisMederi is today a solid reality, grown year after year in credibility, customer portfolio, human resources and financial results. These outcomes were obtained by a motivated young and competent group, which in VisMederi has found an opportunity of employment and professional growth. Along with the new management, we will continue on this path, strengthened by a good international position in the development of experimental protocols for the study of vaccines and in offering qualified services of analysis for food and environment.”

“It is a great honor for me to play this role today, which is in my path a challenging opportunity from both a human and professional viewpoint – says the new Managing Director, Duccio Meiattini. – The development of territories can be carried out also thanks to companies like VisMederi, combining research, enterprise and ability to compete in international contexts. VisMederi does so by focusing on an innovative and highly specialized model and, above all, relying on a talented and high quality young staff. I face this challenge with commitment and enthusiasm, in order to make my contribution to a valuable project that has the potential to grow even further.”

“VisMederi is a great reality – adds Andrea Paolini, General Manager of Fondazione Toscana Life Sciences – and it is a demonstration of how technology transfer can effectively enhance scientific and human expertise from universities to enterprises. Among the first companies to enter our incubator, VisMederi has been able to follow through a continuous path of growth and I am sure that it has not yet exhausted its driving force. Founded as a qualified service company for the Life Sciences industry, today VisMederi has excellent potential to carry out direct research activities, crucial in a business like ours, which has the role to create ecosystems for innovation. TLS will continue to follow and support its path by providing our network of relationships and expertise.”

VisMederi, a Healthy Company. VisMederi closed the year 2015 with sales that exceeded 3.3 million euro, with an increase of over 50% compared to revenues in the previous year. The Company is continuing its investment plan launched in the last three years, occupying a growing share in the market analysis of the effectiveness of vaccines and exploring emerging market segments. Excellent profit performance, with a ROE of over 42% and a ROI of 38.67%. The company shows good health and financial strength, with an EBITDA/Nfp around 6.7.

VisMederi in Short. VisMederi is a Research and Skilled Services SME that has been able to effectively fit into a niche market in which high quality standards are required such as: the creation and validation of experimental protocols for the release of molecules for therapeutic purposes and vaccines under development. Founded in 2009 from the experience and knowledge acquired within the Molecular Epidemiology Laboratory at the University of Siena, today the company collaborates with major pharmaceutical companies for which it performs analytical testing of biological samples. The offer of services in clinical trials aimed at issuing services represents more than 90% of the Company’s business. Since 2013, a line of activities targeting quality control analysis for food, water and the environment has also been activated in VisMederi. VisMederi carries out all activities in accordance with the European certification system UNI EN ISO 9001: 2008 and is registered in the regional list of Tuscany of laboratories performing analyses in the field of self-control procedures in food industry. The company is headquartered in Siena, in the facilities of the Medicine Research Centre of Fondazione Toscana Life Sciences (TLS).
