Presentation of VisMederi Pharma Srl and its new line of supplements

Sep 13, 2022News&events0 comments

VisMederi Pharma Srl and its new line of supplements have been officially presented this evening at the Volte di Vicobello location in Siena, in front of a large audience made up of local pharmacists and doctors operating on the territory.


“I am really proud that the VisMederi Group has further expanded,” Emanuele Montomoli Founder and Scientific Manager of VisMederi stated. “With VisMederi Pharma, we have invested in a sector in which we had not been present until now. Founded in the Spring of 2021, in full pandemic emergency, thanks to the commitment and experience of the Sole Director Bruno Alfonsi, the partners and the Sales Manager Chiara Calcagnile, the company activities initially focused exclusively on the development and distribution of kits for rapid Covid diagnostics, to be subsequently integrated in the development of our first line of supplements that we are presenting here today.”

“This is an important day for Siena,” Bruno Alfonsi Sole Director of VisMederi Pharma said. “A new institution adds up to the many businesses already existing on the territory and enriches the pharmaceutical scenario on a territory where the tradition of research, development, production and marketing of health products is already deeply rooted.”

“VisMederi Pharma,” Dr. Alfonsi continued, “is a very young company that benefits from the extensive expertise and long experience of its founding partners. The line of supplements that we are presenting here today and the line of rapid diagnostics already active for a year now are just the beginning. We have ambitious projects in store for the medium and long term. The long Sienese history and tradition in the field of vaccines and biopharmaceutical products must be followed up and, as a company deeply rooted in this territory, VisMederi Pharma has an ambitious project for the medium and long term – bringing back to Siena some vaccines that used to be produced here years ago.”

In line with its program: “Test, Prevent, Treat”, VisMederi Pharma’s mission is aimed at developing and distributing pharmaceutical products, kits for rapid Covid diagnostics, supplements and, in the future, vaccines. VisMederi Pharma is currently the direct importer of two lines of rapid diagnostic kits from two high quality companies both approved and registered in the European Register.

For one of them, the internationally recognized Korea Green Cross, VisMederi Pharma has carried out a clinical trial on 500 subjects at the S. Andrea Hospital in Rome, aimed at testing the effectiveness of rapid nasal and nasopharyngeal tests.

“In designing our line of food supplements,” Chiara Calcagnile VisMederi Pharma Sales Manager explained, “we certainly started from what VisMederi already does and excels at, trying to create a direct link between the parent company and the first line of VisMederi Pharma supplements. Our line of supplements aims at entering the market with six products, including two immunostimulants based on Lactoferrin “MEDERI-LATTOCOMPLEX 100” and Echinacea “ECHIMMUNO COMPLEX”, an adjuvant in the treatment of joint pain “MEDERI-DOL 400”, a sleep conciliator based on melatonin and plant extracts “MEDERI-NIGHTMEL” and two products to relieve respectively fat cough “MEDERI FLUITUSS 600” and dry cough “MEDERI-LENITUSS”.



“VisMederi Pharma products,” Dr. Calcagnile concluded, “will be available in local pharmacies and parapharmacies. In the coming months we are going to enrich our line with new products that can support traditional pharmacological therapies and that can be allocated to the greatest number of therapeutic areas.”

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